weekly report for my master (day 176 into my new life of being denied)

helloooo, this report is a bit shorter than my normal ones but there’s still plenty of action. I hope you enjoy ☺️here are all my previous reports . (feel free to comment but if you wanna message me personally please ask my master u/Separate-Amoeba first)you know I have definitely written more reports for this stuff than I have for college. kinda weird but true. uhmmm moving on, in this week’s report you’ll find a new rule that i’m not too excited about, a voice recording I posted, and a really interesting punishment among other things.I was limited to 3 edges a day a loooong time ago and then I was more recently punished and had it reduced to 2 edges. it’s been annoying and extremely frustrating. I’m horny and just wanna edge. my owner is going to allow me to have 4 edges a day in may, which sounds great buuuut there’s a catch 🙃. for 3 of my daily edges I have to choose a new redditor and ask for permission to edge. I haven’t done it yet, it seems so fucking humiliating and the idea is turning me on but I can’t bring myself or do it yet.I posted a voice recording of me edging. let me just link that right here. uhmmm not much to say on this. it’s fun “exposing” myself as the desperate whore that I am online.at the beginning of this week I told him I was gonna be a bitch cuz he still wouldn’t tell me his birthday. I didn’t actually mean it, I wanted to be good but somehow I managed to do the exact oppositeafter posting my voice recording I kept trying to “fire” him from his “job” as my manager and publicist and then I told him I would delete the post. he gave me a really creative and pretty intense punishment. I had to fill a ziplock bag with ice and then tie my arms up in the air, wrap my nipple clamps around something and try to position myself so that if I relax I sit on the ice and the clamps are being pulled on. Some at home “predicament bondage”. master and I have been wanting to try it out but it’s difficult to do without the right equipment but we figured it out. lol, I literally had each hand tied to an end of my curtain rod.it was one hell of a punishment. at the beginning of it I was pretty content with relaxing and grinding my cunt against the ice with the added pain from the clamps being pulled. the pain and pleasure combination really turned me into a greedy slut so I was just repeatedly getting close to the edge and then holding myself up while I cooled down. god, it was actual fucking torture (in a good way). after 15 minutes of whining and squirming around I was allowed to take off the nipple clamps but had to stay like that for 15 more. there was like an exponential decline in my energy, I was still horny but I was too tired to grind on the ice, or to hold myself up. I kinda went limp and just stayed on the ice and felt my clit go numb-ish. when it started to hurt too much I would hold myself up for a bit but I was really fucking exhausted. I was also just very uncomfortable the whole time, whether it be because of the ice or the clamps or my arms being pulled on, I was just uncomfortable. I’m making it sound bad, it wasn’t, it was fucking amazing. I fucking loved it, I felt extremely used and loopy and satisfied and happy. It was a lot of emotions all at once but yeah it was great. thank you master for coming up with it.last week he told me I can’t wear panties until saturday. not much of an issue, I don’t wear panties at home so I can touch myself easily, but I went out this week and I forgot about it and put panties on. I considered not telling him cuz I was already being punished a lot that day but I felt bad, so I told him. he had me put my panties in my mouth for the rest of the night. then he had me put my new dildo on top of my panty drawer so that I’d remember not to wear them. I can have it back when I go a full week. the panties in my mouth got annoying real quick. I like the second punishment even tho it means I can’t use my dildo 😔 but the embarrassment I feel whenever I see the dildo makes it better.I don’t think this counts as a punishment but i’ll just keep it here. I was bored and wanted something to do and I kept annoying him about it. I started really complaining and I told him he doesn’t “tell me to do shit” (he does tell me to do stuff, i’m just kind of insatiable) he had me do a task I gave his other sub earlier. I had to balance on one foot while wearing high heels and try to get as many fingers in my ass as I could. I set her limit to 4 fingers but he highered my expectations to 6 fingers. I managed to get 2 fingers in and had to do 60 spanks with a belt. he wanted me to keep trying and I managed to get 3 fingers in on the second try.another punishment was because I was patronizing him and being sarcastic. he wasn’t replying to me so I asked if he knows how to speak and when he responded with a punishment I congratulated him on learning to speak. I thought it was funny so to remind me that I’m nothing but a piece of property he had me tie my ankles together and my hands together for 4 hours 🙃 it’s so fucking hard to move or do anything like that, it got annoying quick and I apologized to him like 10 minutes into the punishment.I did have to do an edge while tied up. I chose to give my dildo a thigh job. it was unexpectedly humiliating. it was just so close to my holes but I couldn’t get it in with my hands tied. it felt like my holes weren’t worthy of being fucked, like they were useless even though they’re the most useful part of me. the whole thing just fucked with my mind and frustrated me and turned me on so it was a lot of fun ☺️well that was a bit on the shorter side (at least for my reports) but that just means I can hop into the best part. these reports are just a glimpse into what happens between us. there’s so much effort that he puts in that I can’t highlight in the reports. he truly is unbelievably amazing. there are literally no words to express how much I appreciate my master. I’m just left constantly thanking him, here in my reports and to him personally. uhmmm so yeah, thank you master ☺️ female orgasm denial Get your own Orgasm Control toys: For men: http://www.amzn.to/1V6XQvv For women: https://ift.tt/1UWn54n