It’s been roughly 2 months since I entered a d/s relationship that has orgasm denial as one of the main focuses. After I made a post on Reddit about edging, my future sir messaged me and inquired about controlling my edges. A few other people made the same inquiry, but he was different. He was kind and intelligent, and overall extremely respectful. I was reluctant at first to give someone total control of my orgasms, but ultimately I decided to accept his offer. It’s been an amazing journey so far, and we started it off with a 24 day denial, my longest ever! I’ve learned a lot about myself and I’d thought I’d share some things:Letting someone else control my edges takes a lot of self control, especially while long distance, which is empowering. It makes me feel incredibly sexy and he makes me leak like a fountain. My pussy continues to pulse and leak on its own even after we’re done playing, it’s like having constant pleasure.The. Mind. Fuck. Every person with a pussy knows what I’m talking about… the pussy brain, the trance, the stupidness.. whatever you wanna call it. You get it. 🤤 It creates deep rooted desperation and just a single phrase is enough to turn me into a dripping mess with a throbbing clit. I even wake up in the middle of the night rubbing my pussy sometimes.I need a genuine connection to give someone total control. My sir deeply cares about my well-being and does not allow training to interfere with me being successful in school/work. He makes me feel safe and he treats me like Aphrodite. I love being his good girl! 🥰 he spoiled me for my first orgasm and booked me a hotel room so I could have some privacy from my roommate. It was… magical.I can squirt, like, a lot. The night he let me cum I made a huuuge mess. take a peak! I had to use every towel in the hotel room to clean it up. 😅 I didn’t squirt when I had my orgasm but I think it’s just bc I was all out lol 😋I love playing with my ass! My sir has been training my tight little ass so that it can fit a thick cock. The most I’ve ever taken in my ass before him was two fingers, now he’s got me fucking myself with a dildo in my ass and pussy at the same time! He is sooo good to my holes 🥰I learn more about myself and my limits each day, and I’m incredibly happy to have someone to explore that with. I’ve experienced things I never have and I’ve learned to truly love the edge, all because I finally let someone else take the reigns. 😇❤️ female orgasm denial Get your own Orgasm Control toys: For men: http://www.amzn.to/1V6XQvv For women: https://ift.tt/1UWn54n