Hi there! In the previous post I’ve pitched the idea of a game/app that would randomly order you to do edging tasks through the day with a very short time to accept this tasks. This post received enough positive feedback for me to work on creating this app.I’ve also listened to your ideas in comments and DMs. So, concept of the game changed a bit from the last post to fulfill all of your requests (those that are possible at least).Now that app itself is ready, I want to once again get through the concept and keep you up to date with it.As in the original idea, there are intervals which are responsible for count of tasks every day and for count of edges in each task. That way you can set both to 1-5 and expect from one to five tasks a day each with one to five edges inside. You won’t know how many tasks you’ll receive this day and also won’t know how many edges you have to do this time (until you open the tasks).Significant changes were made in terms of a “cum task”. A lot of you didn’t like an idea of having a chance to cum from the day one. Now there’s another interval which is responsible for a “warmup” period, which is some amount of days at the starts of the game, at which you won’t receive “cum task”. Abd again, you won’t know exact number.Other change in terms if chance to cum is that now there are modifiers to this chance from both successful and unsuccessful task. So, you can set it up in any way you want. Obviously, successful task gives you a bonus and unsuccessful gives penalty. All of this adds up resulting in your chance to cum at any specific day. Chance to cum resets on receiving cum task and only at that point. So, all of your results from warmup period will affect your final chances (better be a good obedient girl from day one).Now lets talk about time. There are two changes in this regard. First is a “night mode”, which if you enable it, lets you define hours of a day at which you don’t want to receive tasks. And second is ability to change a time you have to accept the tasks. Noone actually asked for that, but test subjects (yeah, we’re testing this app right now) showed a lot of interest to this feature. Also, it’s an interval again and you won’t know exactly how much time you have.And the last change in the concept for today. A few people asked for some kind of online or other features for those who has a dom person But, I’m not asking you to pay for this game so please don’t ask me to do impossible things (servers aren’t free, you know). I’ve solved this problem in the best way I can: app now shows you a password before you can start a game. And you can’t stop the game ir change settings without this password. So, just send it to your dom, lick it behind some kind of time lock or do any other thing you like. Now you are locked and have no other options other then obeying commands.Want to give a heads-up to naughty subs and their doms: you better not try to guess the password. One wrong attempt and every time you try to enter the password again, there will be a message on the screen, showing that you’ve already tried to guess the password and failed (miserably). If your dom would check that thing, you are surely up for some trouble.In the end I want to say again, that yes this game is ready. But no link yet, because it wasn’t tested enough and there might be some bugs or unexpected behaviors. For now this app is available for closed beta with a group of test subjects. If you want to help testing the game and have an android phone, let me know that you are willing to be a test subjects.Thank you all for reading to this point. Hope you are having a great day! female orgasm denial Get your own Orgasm Control toys: For men: http://www.amzn.to/1V6XQvv For women: https://ift.tt/1UWn54n