This is torture….. but I can’t seem to stop myself anymore. I am sat in the living room with clothes discarded across it. Legs spread wide in Sir’s chair as I rub and tease my breasts. Trying so hard to chase that oh so distisfiying nipplegasm. Building it closer as my cunt clench’s over and over again, heedless there is nothing for it to grip, to squeeze, to milk within it. It’s just running on instinct, like me.It has been 14 days into Sir’s twisted version of JuNo and a total of 44 days of denial for me. You think being allowed to cum whenever I wanted would have been glorious. Considering so many other denial sluts would be put through the paces without hope of even a ruin this month. But at least they could touch their pussies. To let their minds go into edging bliss and forget about their aching for at least a little bit.Unlike me, who has been strictly forbidden to let anything touch her slit, much less my clit. The first night I immediately went about giving myself a nipplegasm. I knew it was going to be unsatisfying but it was something I could have after 30 days. Craning my neck to my right tit I took my own nipple into my mouth and viguriously went to town on it. Trapping the little nub between my teeth and running my tongue rapidly over the it. At the same teasing my left nipple with my nails, skirting and brushing the skin until it hard enough to cut cloth. All the while Sir watched in amusement as I pushed myself over the edge and….. I could hardly call it an orgasm as much as I would an intense edge.My cunt squirting some juices onto the bed as my body spasmed, trying to force my hands to finish the job direcly by finger fucking my cunt. The ache quickly over taking any pleasurable feelings I got from my “orgasm”. Fighting to steady my breath past my silent sobs, I felt Sir’s arms wrap around my. Giving me soothing shushes and congratulating me on my first “orgasm” of the month.After that day I tried so hard to just force myself to think about less frustrating things. Keeping my hands like a Catholic schoolgirls, far from any pleasurable part of my body. Of course I knew Sir would continue to tease me. I had still hoped I would be able to get through the rest of the month without becoming a blubbering mess. But the need just never went away.I could feel my clit twitching periodically throughout the day, even when my mind was firmly focused on work. Zoom meetings became uncomfortable and embarrassing as my cunt contuined to ruin every pair of panties I wore. I swear my mic was picking up the squelsh between my legs as I shifted in my seat, but no one said anything. I couldn’t even pull my mind away with sweating in the backyard. Getting physical made the ache so much worse to my surprise. I once tried putting an ice pack between my legs, and it worked for a while, until Sir found out. He said nothing was suppose to be touching my cunt this month. He said if an ice pack was allowed then so was his paddle. I tried to argue but my sore lips ended up losing the debate to Sir’s riding crop.Avoiding my urges wasn’t working, so there only was embracing it. Here I sit, staining Sir’s chair with my juices as I shudder out my 7th, essentially ruined, nipplegasm for JuNo. Again left with a greater feeling of desperation then before as clench down as hard as I can to feel….. something down there. My puffy lips spit out a small squirt of juice onto the fabric. I rock my hips mindlessly to the invisible cock my body desperately wishes was there. Reaching down and I grasp my wet inner thigh as I try to slow my breath.If only I could just touch it. Just a single touch to relieve some of the tension…… I’m insane, I’m not even thinking about an orgasm, just for permission to touch. Compared to fully cumming my brains out, it shouldn’t be something I am craving so hard for. But Sir was clear about the boundaries….literally. Taking time each morning to show me where I am not allowed to touch. Taking a black marker to draw all around my pussy. Usually waking me up as he works between my legs in the most frustrating of ways. Taking care not to touch anything, and to make sure there is PLENTY of space between the border and my clit. To prevent “indirect touching, as he calls it. The attention always leaves wanting more.Oh the mornings though! Sir has been busy so for the last couple weeks it is closest to intimate moments we have had. Him drawing the daily border, his hot breath tickling me throbbing clit. This morning’s drawing I didn’t wake up fully, staying half asleep and dreamed. In the dream Sir was pleasuring me with his mouth. Licking up and down the outside of lips with his fat tongue. Tracing the folds as his nose occasionally brushed against my little nub. Ever so gently caressing every inch of my pussy. Sliding, rubbing, sucking, as I rode closer and closer in my dream. “If only I could jusaaaagrh” I rocket back to the present as I feel my cunt suddenly clench, deeply. Oh fuck did I juooooooh. What issaaaah ah ah ah oh oh oh god I’m cumming? How am Iaaaaaah cumming, not even toooouching. But it’s happening as I firmly grab the armrests, legs curling up under me as I try to hold onto the wave of pleasure washing through me. Did thinking about Sir really push me over theaaaagh ah ah ah ah. I can’t think, I can’t think, I can’t think. It feels so good…but no I’m loosing it. Don’t please don’t, that wasn’t enough. I almost….I almost..just a bit more.I let go of the armrest and plunge my hands down into my cunt and against my clit. seeing stars for a moment as I feel something other than my panties against my clit for the first time in two weeks. My hands free orgasm haults in it’s tracks as I feel myself tense up immediately. I feel it, my first really orgasm in a month starts to bubble up and take over. I just need to…oh my clit is so sensitive. It feels so hot against my finger. Just..one….rubmmmmh “ANN!”.My blood run cold as my name rings through the house…..all to close. I am trembling as my orgasm all too quickly slips away beneath my fingers. But I could honestly care less about that as I looked up. Standing at the entrance of the living room is Sir, holding bags of groceries. His face I can only describe as frustration and deepening disappointment, and it cut like a knife into my gut. “Sir I….” He holds up a hand “Were you touching yourself?”. There was so much more to the situation, urges, tension building for weeks, the teasing he put me through, the stress of the week….but he knew all of that. Sir just needed to know one thing. “Yes sir….I was.” and I could feel myself tearing up.For a long moment he didn’t say anything, just staring at me covered in my juice on his chair. I tired holding his gaze but the disappointment, I wilted quickly under it and looked away. Oh god I can’t believe I just did that. Sir gave me one rule and I broke it. I want to apologize, to ask for Sir’s forgiveness and promise him it wouldn’t happen again. But I can only just squirm with those thoughts running through my head. I can’t even tell him that I just came hands free….well almost. It doesn’t matter though, I just ruined this entire month and everything else Sir was doing for me. Just because I couldn’t keep my slutty paws off my cunt. I don’t deserve Sir, I don’t deserve anyone I’m just….. My thoughts are broken as grocery bags are dropped at my feet and a hand grabs my shoulder. Another raises up from below, brushing against my chest on the way up, lifting me to my feet and my chin to meet Sir’s eyes.They are firm but…..gently somehow. “Stop it” I must look like a mess, with bleary eyes and a confused expression. Stop what? I did stop touching. I couldn’t imagine so blatantly disrespecting Sir. His voice is steady and slow “I know what’s going on in that head of yours. You are very much in trouble and are going to be punished.” I try to look down in shame at his words. But he tightens his grip on my chin and forces me to keep his gaze. “But you didn’t ruin anything. You aren’t a bad pet. I don’t want my pet to think badly about herself. Only her actions. You made a mistake, and it will be corrected. But do not drag yourself down in self-pity. Do you understand?”. Tears contuine down my face as I choke out a “Yes sir”, but inside I can feel relief flood me. Washing away the fear that was clutching around my heart.Sir let go of my chin and ran over my cheek to then clasp the back of my neck. “Good, now go soak yourself in a cold bath until I come to get you. I still need to put away these things.”. I wince internally at the though of a cold soak but simply nod and shuffle off to the bathroom. Heart calmed from despair, but now stomach in knots over what my actual punishment is going to be. female orgasm denial Get your own Orgasm Control toys: For men: http://www.amzn.to/1V6XQvv For women: https://ift.tt/1UWn54n