I’ve always had a bit of an issue reaching climax, especially with a partner. Too much stress or pressure to get to the brink of orgasm, sometimes I would lose sensation as I was being played with as I’m so service orientated and focused on my partner. Their arousal is a huge contributor to mine.But putting the decision of whether or not I was going to cum on someone else works wonders in getting me worked up. Now I love being told no more than the momentary release. Suddenly I want to cum all the time, but don’t. Both through the subspace of not having agency over my own body and the prolonging of that state of being left on edge leaves my knees weak. Tugging my pants back on after squirming so hard without release inspires feelings of shame for playing, wasting time on myself. But I’m so wound up inside and full of energy afterward. female orgasm denial Get your own Orgasm Control toys: For men: http://www.amzn.to/1V6XQvv For women: https://ift.tt/1UWn54n