[F19] Getting right back into denying my pussy and plugging my ass for the week

Hey everyone! I ended up posting my update on my profile last night so I wouldn’t be spammy by posting this today. If you’re curious to hear how the end of my last denial went, check out the post on my profile!After getting to cum the other day, I once again realized that being denied with the constant feeling of being horny and desperate is how an anal slut like me should be left. So, I’ll be denying myself for the coming week in preparation for one of my finals! This denial would last until Friday evening or Saturday morning, so not long, but enough to keep me focused on my pussy while I study all week. After all, I did well on my last two exams when I was studying denied, so there must be a correlation.This time around I also have access to my plugs! I haven’t used some of the wider ones in a while, so I’ll be sticking to my glass and metal 1.5” plugs, and maybe try to go to the wider 1.75” ones in a couple of days.As for how my schedule will be. I have a few classes I still need to attend on Tuesday and Wednesday. Since it’s the end of the semester, I think I’ll finally go out of my comfort zone and try to attend a couple of them with my ass plugged! The rest of today I’ll mainly be finishing up one assignment to get it out of the way; I have three sections I need to do on it. The rest of the week will simply be studying for my math exam by doing lots of practice tests and questions, maybe making an outline for my psych exam, and free time.I’d love to hear some tasks and challenges I should try to complete over the coming days while studying to help keep this pussy desperate and denied while keeping my ass stretched and plugged. What types of study routines should I follow? How should I be when finishing assignments or doing homework? How frequently should I edge? Should there be no touch in between? Maybe look at porn every once in a while but only to get me aroused but not for pleasure? Am I only allowed to do certain things plugged? These are just some random questions to get ideas flowing. No need to answer them specifically!I look forward to hearing from everyone and keeping everyone updated throughout this next denial session of mine.As always: Comments only. If you DM or message me, I’ll ignore it, and maybe even block you. If I like where our conversation is going in the comments, then we can take it elsewhere! female orgasm denial Get your own Orgasm Control toys: For men: http://www.amzn.to/1V6XQvv For women: https://ift.tt/1UWn54n

Make me squirm whilst I’m on no touch ❤

I’ve been slowly teasing my clit with little humps at work allll day until it was burning and drooling all over and now I’m on nipple play only, writhing around with my needy pussy throbbing until I get the permission to hump again. Nipple play makes me so horny, I’m so sensitive and already struggling to keep my hips still… come make it worse for me by sending your fantasies my way xx female orgasm denial Get your own Orgasm Control toys: For men: http://www.amzn.to/1V6XQvv For women: https://ift.tt/1UWn54n

122 Days – Officially Beat My Personal Record

It’s been 122 days since my last orgasm, but it feels so much longer. At this point, I feel like my cunt is constantly dripping wet and throbbing. The desire to play with my cunt without permission is maddening, but I know better than to do that. I thought that my denial would end after I beat my record, or maybe a few weeks after, but Sir recently told me he wants me to go at least 200 days. Suffice to say, my hopes and dreams of orgasm were crushed. 200 days feels so far away. I don’t know how I can go that much longer without cumming when I’m already this desperate. It’s so worth it to give up my orgasms for Sir though, and I’m grateful to him for denying me. Good girls don’t cum, and I want to be a good girl! female orgasm denial Get your own Orgasm Control toys: For men: http://www.amzn.to/1V6XQvv For women: https://ift.tt/1UWn54n