I am addicted to giving blowjobs (like, it’s actually kind of a problem, but that’s not for here).So when I met a guy a couple years ago who could cum over and over again for nearly an hour at a time…I was hooked. Our record was 5 orgasms in 57 minutes, with no breaks. (Even when I needed to stand to stretch my legs, I’d keep my mouth on him.) It was intoxicating and, well, addictive.We decided fairly early on that there wouldn’t be anything more than blowjobs, although I’d often masturbate in front of him after. When I’d suck his cock, it really felt like we were having sex, just without anything below my waist.I’ve seen him on and off and recently got a craving for him again. But I’ve also been obsessed with orgasm denial lately, and what I crave is giving him long cock worship sessions with absolutely no release for me. Not just nothing below the waist — but active, intentional denial. I decided that I needed that masochistic element for the relationship to work for me (otherwise, it felt too one-sided, which is kind of funny…but that’s how it felt).He’s not kinky but he was game to deny me. In fact, he suggested a rule: every orgasm he had was a day of denial for me. We decided edging was ok, but no penetration, and absolutely no cumming.All I want is more and more of his cum. But I get so turned on blowing him that I am desperate to cum, too. He reminds me that good girls don’t cum. Truth be told being empty and aching feels even better. More delicious. So I crave the days of denial too. Except…I don’t, because I am so fucking horny after he fucks me (in my throat).I love the feeling of the two competing desires — my craving his pleasure means I’m forgoing my own. My fixation is my demise. Every orgasm I give him robs me of my own pleasure. It’s so good, and so bad, and the lack of satisfaction is just so satisfying.Good girls don’t cum, and they make sure men cum extra. female orgasm denial Get your own Orgasm Control toys: For men: http://www.amzn.to/1V6XQvv For women: https://ift.tt/1UWn54n