My Daddy is starting to deny me more and more and be meaner and meaner to me and I love it. I wanna be a good slut and give him ideas on how he can use me even though we are LONG DISTANCE. Currently, I’m not allowed to cum until I send a package to him and he gets in (I live in the US and he lives in the UK) and after that I’m not allowed to cum for all of June because he will be visiting me in July. I asked what would happen if he doesn’t get the package until June and he just said we’ll see…I was a brat yesterday so now I have to edge for 45 minutes every day until he gets the package.Any suggestions for what else he could do to me while we are still long distance, ideas for when we meet, or just leave a comment degrading me and telling me why I don’t deserve to cum.Thanks
(check out my page for more about what me and him are doing) female orgasm denial Get your own Orgasm Control toys: For men: http://www.amzn.to/1V6XQvv For women: https://ift.tt/1UWn54n