Hello! Today is day 17 of me being denied all winter break. This morning, Sir asked if I would have my apartment to myself: one of my two roommates went on a trip yesterday, but my (less social) roommate was still here. So Sir instructed me to be naked all day – unless if I needed to cook, in which case I was permitted to put on only a crop top and a skirt. I was so stunned by this request, but his next order stunned me even more: Sir told me to edge on five unique things. I am very used to edging with my hands, so I took this as a challenge and was very excited!After listening to the file in the morning, I completed my first unique edge: on one of my stuffed animals. It was very embarrassing, even alone in my bedroom, but the humiliation I felt only added to my horniness. As I quickly got closer to the edge, my hips moved wildly trying to get as much stimulation from my stuffed animal to my clit. That edge, I was as close as I remember getting to cumming since starting my denial. Ive been daydreaming about what it’ll look like when I finally cum, but as long as Sir is telling me not to I won’t dare cross the edge!For my second unique edge, I chose the corner of the little table next to my bed. I was able to find a comfortable spot between my bed and the table so that I could edge myself. I wonder how slutty and desperate I looked with my knees buckling and trembling while getting myself off on my own furniture. The fact that I reached the edge at all surprised me! After I let the pleasure fade away and get replaced with throbbing and aching, cleaned my stuffed animal and bedside table before taking a shower.For my third edge, I chose one of the arms on my computer chair. I closed the blinds on my window and straddled myself with one leg rested on the cushion of my chair and the other planted on the ground and began to rub myself back and forth, already dripping wet from being ordered to be naked and humiliating myself. It didn’t take long before I was panting, whimpering, with my hands gripping my desk so I could keep myself up. I got so close to cumming and then I lifted my body up, denied and leaking onto my chair.After the chair, I had trouble thinking of other places to edge. I wanted to try the edge of my windowsill, but it sadly ended up being too high up to be safe. After looking in my room for something to get myself off on, I eventually settled on one of the edges of my body-length mirror. I got on my carpet and put my legs between one of the sides of the mirror, my open legs and nude body fully visible while I rubbed myself up and down. Seeing myself getting closer and more turned on felt so slutty and amazing. Before letting go of my immonent orgasm, I reached for my phone and took a picture of myself with a bright red face and trembling legs and hips. Afterwards, I had to take a break to clear my fuzzy, edged brain.Later, I put on my crop top and skirt and ventured downstairs to make dinner. After eating and washing all of my dishes, I remembered to take my laundry out of the dryer and bringing it back up to my room. After I undressed, I folded and put away my laundry, then I looked at my empty clothes hamper and had an idea. For my last edge, I could easily put one leg inside of the hamper and hold onto it while I grinded my pussy back and forth. It seemed so simple, so I got right to work. Near the end, I was pleading under my breath, mumbling nonsensically about how desperate I was and how badly I wanted to cum. When I had to get off of the hamper and stop edging, I fell straight onto my bed in a moment of needy catharsis. Then, I went to my laptop and began writing this journal!Thanks as always for reading and keeping up with my denial adventure! Please comment or message if you want to, thank you! š <3 female orgasm denial Get your own Orgasm Control toys: For men: http://www.amzn.to/1V6XQvv For women: http://www.lovense.com/r/0zgdsg