Refraining from multiple orgasms after denial

I’ve been managing to go fairly long without cumming for the last two years, usually about a month at a time and occasionally longer. However, whether its an accidental orgasm (which are always the worst) or an orgasm granted by permission, I immensely struggle to leave it at just one. The initial orgasm sparks a kind of frenzy in me to cum again and again, and it takes me a few days of cumming like this with no self control before I’m able to commit myself being in denial again. There’s no doubt, the second and third orgasms are so much more pleasurable than the first, especially after weeks of denial, and even more so if the first one was an unwanted accident. I know some people might not understand this, but that fact makes me want to be denied them somehow. Maybe slight masochism, I don’t know..Each denial stint I pledge to only cum once with permission or even just ruin before carrying on for even longer, and each time I fail. Does anyone have any experience of this? Or perhaps some advice how I can make sure I stick to having just one orgasm when I next cum, and get left desperate, wanting more. female orgasm denial Get your own Orgasm Control toys: For men: For women: