Hey there I’m not sure how successful a text post here will be however thought I’d give it a go. If this is not the place for this kind of post please direct me to the correct sub for my request.I am fairly new to orgasm control and my domme and I have been playfully dabbling recently. We have been playing with anal plugs and I’m under strict instructions not to touch my cock until I’m given permission.When it comes to my release she wants to try something different. Instead of her deciding when I can cum she wants the lovely people of orgasmdenial to help her decide.She said she will let me orgasm if this post gets 100 upvotes. I personally think that’s never going to happen but trust in the mercy of you all and in the mercy of my mistress that it could happen.Feel free to pm me, teasing me or giving advice in new fun ways my mistress could tease her sub etc. All I ask is you upvote this post the suspense is killing me.-Owl Get your own Orgasm Control toys: For men: http://www.amzn.to/1V6XQvv For women: http://ift.tt/1UWn54n